Treating Patients across the world no matter what their illness , injury , colour, creed or beliefs.
Providing school uniforms & school supplies for children who otherwise can’t afford them.
Our intention is to help / support grass route groups who are directly supplying food to those in need. We invite you to contact us directly with details of your project.
The monies raised by donations to World Healing Foundation will be allocated to communities appointed by us to maximise the efficiency of distribution under our 4 pillars.
Your generosity is appreciated & will improve the lives others around the world.
Our intention is to help & support grass route projects in communities who are helping those in need. We invite you to submit the application form & tell us about your work. We would love to help you.
We believe that food, shelter and clothing are everyone’s basic rights, we also believe there is an abundance of food, shelter, and clothing to satisfy everyone’s needs.